
28 Feb • Divorce and God's plan
When asked if divorce was legal, Jesus responded that it was against God's plan for men and women, so that once yoked together, a man and woma

17 Feb • Leaving the argument
In the Gospel today, another Pharisee wants to get into an argument with Jesus.

16 Feb • Seeing the Kingdom of God
In Luke's version of the Beatitudes, Jesus matches "blessed are you poor" with "woe are you rich," because riches obscure

9 Feb • Graced to be more
After a miraculous catch of fish, Peter tells Jesus, "Leave me Lord, I am a sinful man." Instead, Jesus invites him to be his disciple an

8 Feb • Shepherds needed
Today we celebrate the great Saint Josephine Bakhita, a former slave who converted to Christianity and joined the Canossian Sisters, and was known

The Presentation of the Lord
Fr. Scott Steinkerchner, OP breaks open the readings for the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord.

27 Jan • The new covenant: salvation for the many
In today's scripture we hear of Jesus establishing a new covenant with his own blood, one sacrifice with the power to save "the many,&quo

26 Jan • The Word of God gives us roots and wings
Today we celebrate Word of God Sunday and hear how Jesus was handed the scroll of Isaiah in the synagogue in Nazareth, found the passage "I ha

29 Dec • Family = chaos
On this Feast of the Holy Family, we recall Jesus being lost for days and finally found in the Temple, seemingly oblivious to the worry he caused h

28 Dec • Escaping the genocide
On this Feast of the Holy Innocents, we remember how, warned by an an angel in his dream, Joseph fled with his family in the middle of the night to

A Season of Hope
In this extra A Word of Hope video, Fr. Scott Steinkerchner, OP, Br. Joseph Hilliker, OP and Fr.

5 Dec • Building a firm foundation
Jesus said that those who listen to him and acted on his word were like those who built their house on a firm foundation.

4 Dec • A saviour for all
Isaiah promised that he coming saviour will provide a rich feast for all peoples, not just for some.

26 Nov • The right questions
Jesus predicted the destruction of the Temple and his disciples naturally wanted to know when it would happen and what signs would accompany it.

25 Nov • The widow's mite reconsidered
Jesus noticed a widow putting a small amount of money oint he temple treasury and told his disciples that she has put in more than all the rich peo
7 Nov • *This video was taken down*
Sorry, today's Word of Hope was taken down for being too political.

2 Nov • All the Many Souls
On this Feast of All Souls, we ponder what heaven might be like, and we pray that everyone might get there.

1 Nov • All the Many Saints
On this Solemnity of All Saints, we hear the Beatitudes, and the many ways that we can be holy.