5 Dec • Building a firm foundation
Jesus said that those who listen to him and acted on his word were like those who built their house on a firm foundation.
4 Dec • A saviour for all
Isaiah promised that he coming saviour will provide a rich feast for all peoples, not just for some.
26 Nov • The right questions
Jesus predicted the destruction of the Temple and his disciples naturally wanted to know when it would happen and what signs would accompany it.
25 Nov • The widow's mite reconsidered
Jesus noticed a widow putting a small amount of money oint he temple treasury and told his disciples that she has put in more than all the rich peo
7 Nov • *This video was taken down*
Sorry, today's Word of Hope was taken down for being too political.
2 Nov • All the Many Souls
On this Feast of All Souls, we ponder what heaven might be like, and we pray that everyone might get there.
1 Nov • All the Many Saints
On this Solemnity of All Saints, we hear the Beatitudes, and the many ways that we can be holy.
3 Oct • Finding the deeper truth
Job's friends "know" he must have sinned if God's hand is against him.
30 Sept • God shines most brightly in the least among us
In Luke's telling, the greatest among us, the one who most closely represents God, is the least among us.
29 Sept • Cast it away, but not so far away
We have two sayings of Jesus today, one of inclusion and one of exclusion. The deeper truth lies somewhere in between.<br>
1 Sept • The religion God wants
The readings today are all about what proper religious observance looks like: following God's law in caring for the vulnerable people in their
31 Aug • Don't bury your faith
In Jesus' parable of the talents, he warns us that if we seek to protect our faith by hiding it away we will loose it.
17 Aug • Beyond sour grapes
In ancient Israel there was a saying, "Fathers have eaten green grapes, thus their children’s teeth are on edge." Children often reap the
6 Aug • Listen to Jesus
On this Feast of the Transfiguration, we remember that great event where Jesus' clothes were transformed dazzlingly white and God spoke throug
5 Aug • Our hope lies in truth
The prophet Hananiah told the people what they wanted to hear. The Prophet Jeremiah told them the truth.
4 Aug • Trust God to lead us forward
After God led the people out of Egypt, they complained because they were hungry. So God gave them manna and quail to eat in the desert.
The Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Fr. Scott Steinkerchner, OP and Fr. Michael Fones, OP break open the readings for the Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time.
7 July • Your choice
Jesus was a popular preacher, except in his own hometown, where he was rejected and amazed at the people's lack of faith such that "he co