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29 Dec • Family = chaos

On this Feast of the Holy Family, we recall Jesus being lost for days and finally found in the Temple, seemingly oblivious to the worry he caused his parents. Every family has some degree of chaos as different members pull in different directions. There is not only one way to be a "perfect" family. Families and churches are best when they let each member be the best version of who they really are, and then together they create their own best version of family.

5 Dec • Building a firm foundation

Jesus said that those who listen to him and acted on his word were like those who built their house on a firm foundation. While the foundation of a real house might be difficult to fix, the Good News is that we can strengthen the foundations of our faith every day by simply living out our faith. Thus we need not worry about our lack of faith or what might come if we simply live each day according to our faith.

4 Dec • A saviour for all

Isaiah promised that he coming saviour will provide a rich feast for all peoples, not just for some. Jesus on the mountain miraculously healed all the sick and provided food for everyone. When we see small gains for some at the expense of others, know that this is not the promise, and work and pray and hope for more. To accept a second-rate saviour is to give up on the real one.

The First Sunday of Advent

Fr. Scott Steinkerchner, OP breaks open the readings for the First Sunday of Advent, speaking of how to live in the time in between Jesus' first coming and his second coming. Paul says we are to grow the love of others in our heart and follow God more closely. Jesus advises us to stay awake and not be distracted by anxiety. When we do, we lean into the perfection of the second coming and pull away from the hopelessness of the world.<br>
Readings: Jeremiah 33:14–16; 1 Thessalonians 3:12—4:2; Luke 21:25–28, 34–36

26 Nov • The right questions

Jesus predicted the destruction of the Temple and his disciples naturally wanted to know when it would happen and what signs would accompany it. Jesus told them that many will claim to have answers, but they should not believe them. We have many questions, but we should not accept easy answers to many of them. The question that really matters is how to best live today, and that changes day by day.