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The Fifth Sunday of Lent

Fr. Scott Steinkerchner, OP breaks open the readings for the Fifth Sunday of Lent, pointing out what is different in the "new covenant" that the prophet Jeremiah says God will place in our hearts. Through embracing suffering we will learn obedience to God, as Jesus did, and God will give us the grace to endure and overcome.

21 Feb • The sign of Jonah

Jesus told the crowds that they will get no sign from him except the "sign of Jonah." Jonah tried to run from God until he spent three days in the belly of the whale. When he came out, he had a new conviction. Likewise, the apostles, after the resurrection, preached with a new conviction. May our preaching be as powerful.

9 Feb • Grace in the mess

Jesus healed a man who was deaf and mute by going off alone, sticking his fingers in the man's ears, spitting on his tongue, and groaning to heaven. Can we heal and be healed away from the spectacle but in the midst of the mess of life, because that is where we will find grace.