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My Preaching


I am Fr. Scott Steinkerchner, OP, a traveling preacher, theologian, and web-developer. Here you will find the bulk of my internet postings, stretching back to 1999. The Blog postings are housed here, the Videos are mostly from the website of the Dominican Province of St. Albert the Great USA (my province), and the Podcasts are mostly my contributions to theWord, a daily podcast from Dominicans around the world.

You will also find on this site a list of Questions & Answers about Liturgy in the Roman Catholic tradition, created by a great liturgist and friend, Fr. John Thomas Lane,SSS.

What might God do with our “yes”?
What might God do with our “yes”?

For 8 December 2011, Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, based on Lk 1:26-38

Between a rock and a hard place
Between a rock and a hard place

For 18 November 2011, Dedication of the Basilicas of Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles, based on Luke 19:45-48

The Kingdom of God is among you
The Kingdom of God is among you

For 10 November 2011, Thursday of the Thirty-Second Week in Ordinary Time, based on Luke 17:20-25

The Holy Spirit: God’s presence in our lives in the now
The Holy Spirit: God’s presence in our lives in the now

For 15 October 2011, Memorial of Saint Teresa of Jesus, virgin and doctor of the Church, based on Lk 12:8-12

It is not “more” or “less”, it is “better”
It is not “more” or “less”, it is “better”

For 9 October 2011, Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time, based on Phil 4:12-14, 19-20

Risking our faith
Risking our faith

For 27 August 2011, Memorial of Saint Monica, based on Mt 25:14-30

The prayer of the preacher
The prayer of the preacher

For 6 July 2011, Wednesday of the Fourteenth Week in Ordinary Time, based on Mt 10:1-7

Tending the sheep
Tending the sheep

For 10 June 2011, Friday of the Seventh Week of Easter, based on Jn 21:15-19

The Holy Spirit, reevaluated
The Holy Spirit, reevaluated

For 6 June 2011, Monday of the Seventh Week of Easter, based on Acts 19:1-8

Who closed that door?
Who closed that door?

For 28 May 2011, Saturday of the Fifth Week of Easter, based on Acts 16:1-10

Miles from anywhere, finding my way
Miles from anywhere, finding my way

For 5 May 2011, Thursday of the Second Week of Easter, based on Jn 3:31-36

Does God’s mercy extend to the Jews?
Does God’s mercy extend to the Jews?

For 12 April 2011, Tuesday of the Fifth Week of Lent, based on Jn 8:21-30