My Preaching
I am Fr. Scott Steinkerchner, OP, a traveling preacher, theologian, and web-developer. Here you will find the bulk of my internet postings, stretching back to 1999. The Blog postings are housed here, the Videos are mostly from the website of the Dominican Province of St. Albert the Great USA (my province), and the Podcasts are mostly my contributions to theWord, a daily podcast from Dominicans around the world.
You will also find on this site a list of Questions & Answers about Liturgy in the Roman Catholic tradition, created by a great liturgist and friend, Fr. John Thomas Lane,SSS.

Opening to the powerful presence of Jesus
For 16 June 2013, 11th Sunday of the year, based on Luke 7:36-8:3
Walking with Peter
Two things I dearly love—hiking and theological debate—come together beautifully when I get the chance to take some time off with Peter Hunter.
New Blackfriars, Oxford, England
I made it to Oxford, England, visiting the brothers here at Blackfriars Hall. I love this community and its great mix of study, prayer and common life. The brothers live together in a charming neogothic shoebox, and while their prayer is a bit more formal than I would care for (they are English, after all), I love the fact that they all show up for it (or mostly, I suppose) and all pitch in to put supper on the table and to do the dishes afterwards. There is something very essentially Dominican here that always challenges me to embrace our life a bit more fully.
First thing: theology
First stop on my around the world tour is the Catholic Theology Society of America's annual meeting in Miami.
Leaving home
Today I set off on a trip around the world. I am excited, but not without a bit of consternation. What did I bring, what did I forget, what will I find… so many things to worry about.
Canaan Heights community
Community is a blessing—the people you know, the people you meet each day, the ones you share your life with.
High House School
"I lift up my eyes to the hills—from where will my help come?" (Ps 112) What can help Jamaica? How is God to save it?
beginning again this morning
Today I head out for Jamaica, my first stamp in a new passport. I am going to see the work of Food for the Poor, a charity that I have worked with for years.