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How Many Times Receiving Communion?



In the new Catechism it states one should receive communion (if not in a state of sin, of course) every time one assists at Mass. My question:

- is there a time period which limits this? If, under circumstances, one attends Mass more than once in one day - can one receive at each Mass?

What if one attends Mass, and then a benediction with a Communion service, can one receive at the service?

-- Hungering to know in Harrisburg?



There is a rule that one may receive communion each time they "participate" but not to the point of abuse, such as, feeling the need to receive communion hosts so that they may be "ultra-holy."

Why would this occur and what are the reasons? Usually the reasons why one is participating in Eucharist determines if they may receive communion. For example, one may attend, on a Saturday, a funeral in the morning, a wedding in the afternoon, and then the Vigil for Sunday and receive communion at each service.

There should be no communion service with benediction/adoration, etc. These two rituals are not to be put together and not part of any Roman Rite. Communion services and giving communion from a previous Mass are for those not able to attend the regular mass because of illness or infirmity. This is quite specific and clear in the Roman document, "Holy Communion and Worship of the Eucharist Outside of Mass," 1973.