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So Why Go to Church?



Each year my high school students ask me the same question, "why go to church?" I'm looking for some guidance from my same answer each time.

Glad-to-know in Gainseville



There are many reasons that can be summarized into the following list. Nine of these statements are from Ronald Rolheiser, OMI's The Holy Longing, pages135-140. Another is from this webmaster:

1. Because it is Not Good to Be Alone

2. To Take My rightful Place Humbly Within the Family of Humanity

3. Because God Calls Me There

4. To Dispel My Fantasies About Myself

5. Because Ten Thousand Saints Have Told Me So

6. To Help Others Carry their Pathologies and to Have Them Help Me Carry Mine

7. To Dream with Others

8. To Practice for Heaven

9. For the Pure Joy of It . . . Because it is Heaven!

10. You Can't Miss a Week - If You Do, You Miss a lot - both scripturally, liturgically and more!