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My Preaching


I am Fr. Scott Steinkerchner, OP, a traveling preacher, theologian, and web-developer. Here you will find the bulk of my internet postings, stretching back to 1999. The Blog postings are housed here, the Videos are mostly from the website of the Dominican Province of St. Albert the Great USA (my province), and the Podcasts are mostly my contributions to theWord, a daily podcast from Dominicans around the world.

You will also find on this site a list of Questions & Answers about Liturgy in the Roman Catholic tradition, created by a great liturgist and friend, Fr. John Thomas Lane,SSS.


Africa begins to work her spell on me. The people, the land, the sun, the LIFE. Above is a view of Maasailand from just the other side of the hills here in Karen. I have been told that Nairobi is not really Africa, but that Africa begins where it leaves off. These photos are Africa.

Martin de Porres Vocational Training Center, Kiserian, Kenya

One of the biggest tragedies here in Nairobi is the huge number of children living on the streets, with no homes, families, food or schools.

Working to get by: Scenes from the streets of Nairobi

Typical of the economy and situation here, this woman sits all day every day on this same corner, roasting corn on a little charcoal grill to sell for a few shill

The Indian Market

As good as any farmers' market I have seen, anywhere in the world is the Indian Market in Nairobi.


Our fish pond, reflective of society here in Kenya. So many layers. When I saw it I could not help thinking of M.C. Escher's Three Worlds.

In to Africa

"On the feet of the Ngong Hills I had a farm...", the first line from Karen Blixen's Out Of Africa. I am here in Karen, Kenya, named after her, here at the foot of those hills. Her farm is gone, it is now estates for rich people and squatters' villages for the poor. One can see in the photo squatter's huts and paths to get them amidst the trees.

Taizé, France, an inter-denominational monestary

A young adult, singing to herself and God in a field of wildflowers. There were a thousand young adults here this week, from all over Europe and the world. Next week, for Holy Week there will be 6000, most between 18 and 25 years old.

Françoise and Daniel Rivet

Sunday Afternoon in the countryside in France. Françoise and Daniel are dear friends of one of my friends, Jean-Jacques Pérennès OP. They live in Lyon, France where Françiose teaches high school physics and chemistry. Daniel teaches contemporary history of the Arabic world in Paris at the Sorbonne, so has a one room flat there. But on the weekends they escape to their once abandoned 19th century farmhouse in Courzieu near Lyon. They invited us over for a leisurely Sunday dinner, classically French, with different wines before, during and after dinner and food that is simply indescribable, served in the kitchen next to the wood stove and fireplace. Afterwards, we took a stroll around the country side to see how spring was creeping up the valley, coming first to the cherry trees and the wildflowers but not yet to the pines and oak.

The Roman Church at Tournus, France

Today I visited a beautiful, old church in Tournus, France. The church was built in the Roman style in the 11th and 12 centuries. There are many similar churches in the area, but none comparable. It has two towers, one of pink stone, one of gray.

Notre Père
The Dominican community in Strasbourg is centered in prayer. One night at evening prayer, I was inspired to give you a taste of this experience with this simple page. The song is Notre Père (Our Father), and it is the community singing.
Contemplative Prayer with the Students

On Monday nights, the Dominican students lead a contemplative prayer service for students at the university. There is singing, scripture reading, and meditation in front of an icon...

Jubilatio Celebration: The Morning

On Sunday, April 2, we had a huge celebration for the youth of the entire region, "Jubilatio," a part of the celebration of the Holy Year and the World Youth Day in Rome in August.