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My Preaching


I am Fr. Scott Steinkerchner, OP, a traveling preacher, theologian, and web-developer. Here you will find the bulk of my internet postings, stretching back to 1999. The Blog postings are housed here, the Videos are mostly from the website of the Dominican Province of St. Albert the Great USA (my province), and the Podcasts are mostly my contributions to theWord, a daily podcast from Dominicans around the world.

You will also find on this site a list of Questions & Answers about Liturgy in the Roman Catholic tradition, created by a great liturgist and friend, Fr. John Thomas Lane,SSS.

Spring Leaves

Spring has come to the Terai.

I had forgotten
how beautiful 
the forest in the spring.

Watching Tenzin Grow

Tenzin is the first of the Tsering Lama's grandchildren, and is being raised by his grandmother.


"The bodhisattva vow is like a golden pot, the others like earthen pots.

Be Prepared?

Today is the first day of a week-long national strike, a protest against the coming sham elections.

Tibet At Last!

I made it to Tibet! That red line I am leaning on is the border, and I am on the Tibetan side.

Along the Road, Somewhere near Tibet

A scene along the roadside near Tibet. As we get nearer to Tibet, the road gets progressively worse.

Outing By the River

Day two of the bike trip, we headed north towards Tibet, leaving Greg to get back to work. It is a beautiful day, and many take advantage of the warm weather to have a picnic by the river.


This is Ian Sanderson. For Ian's 40th birthday we rented motorcycles and headed out for a road trip. Clich? perhaps, but fun nonetheless.

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas!

Prayers in Nepal

Two images of daily prayer in Nepal. The first one is Hindu. On a hillside above Lamatar, on the edge of the Kathmadu valley, there is a small cave that is known as a holy place.


Today the stupa here in Boudhanath was lit up with one hundred thousand butter lamps in honor of World Peace Day. A powerful prayer for peace, and I can't think of a better thing to pray for.

Studying at Loyola House

Finally getting out more to see what goes on in the valley, I visited Loyola House, a home for about 35 boys who study at local schools.