My Preaching
I am Fr. Scott Steinkerchner, OP, a traveling preacher, theologian, and web-developer. Here you will find the bulk of my internet postings, stretching back to 1999. The Blog postings are housed here, the Videos are mostly from the website of the Dominican Province of St. Albert the Great USA (my province), and the Podcasts are mostly my contributions to theWord, a daily podcast from Dominicans around the world.
You will also find on this site a list of Questions & Answers about Liturgy in the Roman Catholic tradition, created by a great liturgist and friend, Fr. John Thomas Lane,SSS.

A bruised reed he shall not break
For 26 March 2018, Monday of Holy Week, based on Isaiah 42:1-7, John 12:1-11

Comforting joy and challenge
For 6 January 2018, 6 January (before Epiphany), based on 1 John 5:5-13

The place where we find God
For 24 November 2017, Friday of the 33rd week of the year, based on 1 Maccabees 4:36-37,52-59

The not-so-self-made man
For 18 August 2017, Friday in the 19th week of the year, based on Joshua 24:1-13

Those who have ears and those who don’t
For 27 July 2017, Thursday of week 16 of the year, based on Matthew 13:10-17

My oh-so-earthen vessel
For 16 June 2017, Friday of week 10 in Ordinary Time, based on 2 Corinthians 4:7-15

When no one was looking
For 3 May 2017, Feast of Saints Philip and James, Apostles, based on 1 Corinthians 15:1-8